Nampa Church Members Do the CROP Walk

October was CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) walk time once again. This year's CROP Walk was held on Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014, at the Brandt Center on the Northwest Nazarene University (NNU) campus in Nampa. For 20 years, businesses and church groups across Treasure Valley walk to draw attention to the effort to end world hunger. There were approximately 150 walkers. Every day there are hungry people who walk miles for food and water.

When participants arrived, Joann Burnsed was busy helping everyone into “Ending Hunger” T-shirts. Soon, more Nampa Church members joined in until there was an even bigger group than last year.

At noon it was cold and windy, but by 2 p.m. the wind had died completely, leaving the sun to warm those who gathered around the tables to register. By 2:30 it was time to begin. Layers of coats and shirts had come off, and after a prayer the walkers started north up Holly Street. Signs with arrows duct-taped to the sidewalks pointed out the route around and back toward the NNU campus on 12th Avenue.

Two water stations along the route provided a break and more energy. The walkers took the 3-mile walk and gladly bit into juicy apples offered to the triumphant finishers.

Twenty-five percent of the money raised stays in Canyon County, and several times the Nampa Adventist Community Services has been the recipient. Burnsed received an initial report from the chairperson that so far they had counted $11,204, and more was expected to arrive.

Next year when you hear about CROP Walk, sign up, and Nampa Church members will see you there.

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Featured in: January 2015
