MythBuster Series Breaks Myths in Christianity

“All right! Let’s break into our small groups now for discussion.” All around the room, church members and nonmembers alike turn to face each other. Round tables scattered throughout the room create a friendly environment as groups discuss and question various aspects of what was presented that night at the MythBuster Evangelistic Series.

The MythBuster Series itself began Feb. 6 and ended Feb. 28, but it all started in September when Gladstone Park Church welcomed their new Bible worker, Laressa Farnsworth, a graduate of SOULS West. In preparation for the evangelistic series, she went door to door in the community to find Bible study interests. The church members were enthusiastic helpers in this process, with many of them going with her as she made her rounds of the neighborhoods.

The team expanded in January with the arrival of three more Bible workers — SOULS Northwest students interning for their Bible work practicum. Ethan Peterson, Joel LeClair and James Valdez worked faithfully to find more people in the community with open hearts. They passed out flyers and led out in Sabbath afternoon outreach in the final weeks of preparation for MythBuster.

Jason Worf, SOULS Northwest and North Pacific Union Conference literature ministries director, joined the team in February. His innovative ideas and vast knowledge definitely spiced things up as team members worked to make a unique series.

As a result, MythBuster was a slightly new approach to the classic evangelistic series. Starting off, Bob Uhrig, Gladstone Park Church pastor, would give the welcome each night and invite Worf up to answer questions that had been submitted the night prior. Either special music or the theme song, "Ancient Words," followed.

Then Worf would speak for about a half hour before dividing attendees into small groups of six or so. A group leader helped facilitate as each group discussed a list of the concepts taught that evening. The purpose was threefold: connect on a personal level, reinforce the message and learn where a person was in his or her understanding.

One attendee shared that she was initially nervous about the small groups for fear of being the odd one out. She was very pleased to find that even those who have been church members for years were willing to ask questions and explore answers with her.

So far, five guests have asked for baptism, two have asked to join the church on profession of faith, and a number of other friends have been made in the community — friendships that will continue to be nurtured.

Uhrig is thrilled and wants to make sure you know that if you would be interested in SOULS Northwest being a part of evangelism in your church, you can email Jason Worf or call 360-857-7062.

Laressa Farnsworth, Gladstone Park Church Bible worker

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Featured in: April 2015