Mexico Mission

Elaina Mathisen and Ralph Staley, church members from the Hood River, Ore., area, prayed for wisdom and instruction for a special project that would involve quite a number of volunteers from several churches as well as young people from all over Oregon. Church members earnestly prayed also. The date for departure was set for March 15, 2015. They would return March 29. 

They believed God was leading them again on a mission trip to Uruapan, Baja, Mexico, which is about three hours south of San Diego, Calif. Uruapan is a small town approximately 40 miles south of Ensanada.

The group left at 4 a.m. from Hood River, Ore., collecting team members at various stops down the I-5 corridor. They arrived at Los Banos (Calif.) Church the first night around 9 p.m. The second night was spent at the Imperial Beach Church in San Diego. By early afternoon the group had crossed the Mexican border and reached their designated mission site.

The Mount of Olives Children's Village is on top of a hill just outside of Uruapan, where the orphans' homes are located. There are about 16 children in each of the first two homes. Mission headquarters for housing volunteer groups is well on its way of being completed. This will include a site for campers and trailers as well.

There were a lot of projects using the many different talents from these mission volunteers. The first day, free literature was given out to the surrounding area. Other volunteers worked on making bedroom cabinets. Some worked on construction projects, while others helped to plant a large garden. Water, sewer and electrical wiring in conduit pipes were laid for an RV site. A free medical/dental clinic for the children and the local town's people was also provided. Two afternoons were dedicated to providing medical and dental care at a migrant workers' camp.

Mathisen and Staley appreciated their many supporters for the prayers offered and financial help given.

Joyce Gallentine and Elaina Mathisen, Hood River Church communication leaders

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