Milo Summer Work Program Grows

This summer, 38 students worked at Milo Adventist Academy in Days Creek, Ore., to help pay for their tuition this fall. Students had worship every morning at 8 a.m., then divided up into crews for the day. Activities included helping in the cafeteria, landscaping, maintenance, painting, cleaning, waxing classroom floors, working in Advanced Assembly, assisting in the office and other tasks as needed. 

Senior Sarah Ayon says she most enjoyed “the times I get to spend with friends without having to worry about schoolwork.” 

Her friend, Vanessa Valenzuela, a junior, agrees: “There are fewer people this summer, so we all hang out together like a family.”

Valenzuela’s sister Dulce, a senior, says, “We receive some cash each week, and we get to go to town to go shopping more often.”

“The food is awesome," the three agree.

Freshman Hezekiah Seaton loved the extra free time in the evenings to play basketball — “and the Mexican food,” he adds, a compliment to Claudia Guido, a volunteer from Mexico who provided delicious meals for the summer workers. Students had the opportunity to experience the best of Mexican cuisine, including tamales and tortillas made from scratch.

“It’s been a great experience,” Guido says. “I love the environment. I see deer walking around campus. There are so many beautiful places to go and pray. All the kids act like brothers and sisters and are very well behaved. There are lots of activities for the kids … games, open gym, swimming, worships together.” Guido also loves the weather, which is much cooler than at her home this time of year.  

As a group, students are expected to earn more than $150,000 this summer to apply toward their tuition and fees this fall.

For more information about the work-study program and other scholarships available at Milo, email Kathy Hernandez.

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Featured in: September 2015
