Women Embrace the Abundant Life

I have never been a “girly girl.” My sisters and I liked playing football, baseball, kickball. We liked competing with the boys. I don’t really like drinking tea either. I had more male friends than females when I was growing up. My husband and I had two boys. I associated women’s retreats and women’s ministries with frilly, and I didn’t do frilly. I’m not against them; they just weren’t for me. You might say I was a women’s ministries agnostic!

That changed this year. I went to the Christian Women’s Retreat at Camp Ida-Haven in McCall this fall. It was at the Friday evening meeting when I began to understand the importance of women’s ministries and women’s retreats.

Cheri Gatton, Idaho Conference women’s ministries leader, encouraged us to “Embrace the Abundant Life.” What she shared was her testimony, her conversion story and the journey she has been on the past year of becoming real with God.

Hearing Emmy Jackson, a young lady from Salmon, sing a song on Sabbath morning she had written the night before was powerful. Emra Smith’s worships each morning gave me a greater understanding of God’s immeasurable, merciful love.

Gatton’s message on Saturday night brought us to the foot of the cross. She had a cross there for us to nail pieces of paper on which we had written what we wanted to give to Jesus, to turn over to Him. There were tears, prayers, hugs — ministry. I found myself praying with another woman, praying for her.

I am a believer in women’s ministries, in women’s retreats. Women can minister to others in ways that a man cannot because we are created differently. I may not ever go to a women’s tea, but I am a women’s ministries believer!

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Featured in: November 2015


Eve Rusk

Idaho Conference communication director