Beacon Week of Prayer Brings Bible to Life

Making the Bible relevant to kids today isn’t always easy. However, with some creativity, David Crockett, Lewiston (Idaho) Church pastor, spent a week with local Beacon Christian School, sharing about young people in the Bible and what they did as Christians.

Students gathered in the school gym every day for the week of prayer meetings. Crockett brought the Bible to life as he shared about Naaman’s little slave girl as well as Joseph, Josiah, Samuel and David.

The Bible stories Crockett shared helped the students gain a deeper understanding about faith in times of trouble. He used the story of Josiah and his evil father and grandfather to show how God can use anyone, regardless of his or her background.

One of the unique ways Crockett brought the Bible to life was by getting the kids to put themselves into the story. “How many of you are 8 years old?” he asked. “Imagine that tomorrow morning you wake up and there’s a secret service agent standing by your bed who tells you, you are the president of the United States. Would it be hard?”

The students really enjoyed their daily visits with Crockett. At the end of the week, the upper-graders planned a surprise scavenger hunt for him to show their appreciation for his great stories.

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Featured in: December 2015


Jay Wintermeyer

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor