Montana Conference Hosts Elders' Symposium

Some 50 elders from churches across the state of Montana convened in Missoula for a first-of-its-kind Elders' Symposium. VicLouis Arreola III, Pacific Institute of Christian Ministry (PICM) director in California, presented the first segment of ECT (Elders Certification Training) — a cutting-edge program developed to better equip local elders and lay leaders for ministry in their respective churches.

The schedule included such topics as the ministry of visitation, effective evangelistic planning in the local church, leadership styles and basic sermon preparation, among others. Participants shared and discussed in cohort breakout sessions throughout the two-day event. Upon completion of additional assignments such as church administration, fundamental beliefs, lay pastoral ministry and required reading, elders will receive an Elders Certification.

Throughout the symposium, the elders sensed God’s presence and that great things are in store as they continue to seek Him and the advancement of His kingdom in their territory. A new sense of understanding was felt that local church elders do indeed play a vital leadership role.

David Brown, PICM field representative from Missoula, and the Montana Conference ministerial department helped to make this event a reality. Now they look forward to seeing what God will do as these elders engage the churches in their respective territories in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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Featured in: December 2015
