Lents Presents 'Story of Jesus' Christmas Program

“Before He came to the earth, Jesus was the Commander of the angel hosts” began the Christmas pageant at the Lents Church in Portland on Dec. 19, 2015. Maria Frias and Joe Maier compiled the script and were actively involved in all program facets. 

Scene 1: Winged angels worship Jesus in heaven and then cry when He lays aside his kingly robes and crown.

Scene 2: An elaborate temple facsimile is brought to the stage. Zechariah, portrayed by Vern Henry, shakes with fear when Gabriel (Jonathan Bravo) addresses him. Shortly thereafter, the audience views an engaging interaction between Zechariah and a young priest. Zechariah gestures, and the priest keeps asking, “What, what are you trying to say to us?” 

Scene 3: A biblical town backdrop painted by church member Geneva Gannon with Elizabeth (Fei Wilkening) rejoicing that she will have a child. Angel Gabriel appears to Mary (Maria Frias) with astounding news of her selection to be mother to the Son of God. She visits Elizabeth, and they rejoice because the Lord had done great things for them. Joseph (Joe Maier), stunned to see that Mary is expecting a baby, is beside himself. His worried state calms when Gabriel confirms the role God has given Mary to bear Jesus, mankind’s Savior, and he follows Gabriel’s advice.   

Scene 4: Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem and are given a room in a stable.

Scene 5: Baby Jesus is born and placed in manger with angel backdrop and angels. Gabriel informs the shepherds, played by one adult and four children. Following the host of angels appearing to them, they hurry to Bethlehem. The Magi arrive with gifts. Gabriel holds Jesus’s robes and crown to show the world what Jesus relinquished for our sakes. 

 Vocal music numbers enhances the program. The audience expresses appreciation for the performance. Thankfully, the Story of Jesus becomes indelibly written on hearts. 

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Featured in: February 2016
