Agape Communion Opens the New Year in Nampa

Nampa Church welcomed 2016 with approximately 90 church members welcoming in the new year by giving thanks for the blessings of the past year and asking for God’s continued mercy — come what may.

Church members filled the fellowship hall on Friday evening, Jan. 1, and, with warm coats hung over chair backs, everyone sat down to enjoy food and fellowship by candlelight for the first time in this new year. They were treated to eight different kinds of homemade soups, several varieties of breads, and basketfuls of delicious purple, red and green seedless grapes. Spiritual goals for the new year were a hot topic of discussion, as well as praises for prayers answered during the past year.

After supper was cleared away by those in charge of the meal, the ordinance of humility was celebrated to honor our Lord’s example and to renew warm friendships and family ties. All participants joined in a solemn season of prayer, asking God’s blessings and strength for the Nampa Church family as a whole, the various ministries involved in both outreach to the community and those ministries that benefit members.

The highlight of the evening was the candlelight communion service led by Chris Evenson, assisted by the elders. A beautiful silence ensued, and everyone seemed to sense a divine presence as the emblems were served and eaten.  

At the conclusion of the service, the hymn “Gleams of the Golden Morning” was sung, after which all were dismissed with an unspoken resolution to serve God more faithfully.

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Featured in: April 2016
