Belgrade Shares CREATION Health With Local Lutheran Church

Chris Barr was holding a seminar for the Belgrade Church in the Lutheran church the Adventists rent. The Lutheran pastor came in one evening while Barr was setting up for the CREATION (Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust, Interpersonal Relationships, Outlook and Nutrition) Health Seminar. The other pastor started asking questions about what Barr was presenting, and Barr  explained to him about the seminars.

The CREATION Health program finds its genesis in the Bible’s creation story. Its eight simple strategies for enjoying and sustaining optimum health for the whole person are based on God’s original plan for man. Who can improve on that?

Barr offered to have a similar seminar for the Lutheran congregation. After working out the details, the two pastors spent the next hour talking about history, the post-Reformation revival, the Constitution, religious liberty and more.

Barr met with the Lutheran congregation on a Sunday morning during their church service and explained to them what CREATION Health was all about. They got the ball rolling, and now 30–35 people meet every Tuesday evening at 6:30. The program lasts for eight weeks, includes a multimedia presentation with a high-quality DVD lasting 14–18 minutes, and uses a PowerPoint presentation.

The meetings also feature self-assessment exercises, a quiz and prizes. The evening rounds out with a Q-and-A on any health topic attendees wish to ask about.

This seminar provides a unique bridge between the church family and the local community. After all, Jesus spent the greater part of His ministry healing people physically, emotionally and spiritually, and He tells us to go and do likewise. This is a great opportunity to learn how we might imitate His ministry in this area.  

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Featured in: April 2016
