Idaho Pathfinders and Adventurers Challenged to Learn Ten Commandments

How many of you know the Ten Commandments word for word as it is written in the New King James version of the Bible?

To get Idaho Conference Pathfinders and Adventurers to study their Bibles more, youth leaders gave them a challenge. Because they were already studying the book of Exodus for Pathfinder and Adventurer Bible Experience, the leaders challenged these youth to memorize the Ten Commandments word for word as written in the Pathfinder New King James Bible.

The Pathfinders and Adventurers who accepted the challenge have to memorize it by the Pathfinder Fair on May 1. They then have to recite it to one of the Idaho Conference Pathfinder/Adventurer staff. Those who successfully do so will get a Ten Commandments pin for their sashes.

Sarah Connell, a second-grade Adventurer from Pocatello, was the first person to take up the challenge. Before the start of the conference Pathfinder Bible Experience program during February, Connell asked if she could say the Ten Commandments. When Connell and Kathy Knuth, Idaho Conference Adventurer director, got to the room where Connell was going to say them, Knuth asked if Connell was ready.

“I am afraid I will mess up,” Connell said. But she did a great job and became the first person, Pathfinder or Adventurer, to not only try but to successfully say the Ten Commandments from memory.

Idaho Conference Pathfinder and Adventurer leaders challenge you to relearn the Ten Commandments and say them to someone.

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Featured in: May 2016
