Widows, Women Alone Celebrated on Valentine's Day

Nearly 60 women attended the fourth annual Widows and Women Alone event on Sunday, Feb. 14, organized by Take Heart Ministry and held at the Albany Golf and Event Center banquet hall. More than four years ago, Tawny Sportsman created Take Heart Ministry with other women who saw and felt a great need among women within churches and communities for support during the difficult challenge of loss.

The theme this year was “You’ve Got Mail.” Everyone loves to get personal mail, especially in the age of social media, email and texting. Every guest was surprised to receive a paper envelope with a handwritten card of encouragement, comfort and appreciation inside. Every card was hand-delivered by a mail carrier played by an energetic and creatively costumed Heather Wright. Her “mail route” was undeterred by the program; in order to stay on “schedule,” she burst into the room a number of times until each lady had received her card or package.

The tables were layered with pink and red linens, floral and mailbox décor centerpieces, shiny glassware, and a fun quiz to share and laugh over while enjoying a delicious sandwich and soup lunch. It was easy to meet women from several tables away during the get-acquainted activities, which included finding the other half of a paper heart and even a group singing contest. 

Keynote speaker Corleen Johnson shared her personal story of loss, grief and God’s restoration in her family and her life. Her story touched hearts and filled many with much-needed hope. After sharing, she joined Lanett Merrills to sing Laura Story’s “Blessings.”

An unexpected guest and trumpet player, Ron Iverson, popped in just long enough to play Billy Preston's "You Are So Beautiful." Iverson revealed a little-known fact: The inspired lyrics were written about God.

Spending a couple afternoon hours with such warm and lovely women was a blessing indeed.

To learn more about the Take Heart Ministry, go to  www.takeheartministry.info, email take-heart@outlook.com or find it at www.facebook.com/takeheartthereishope.

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Featured in: May 2016
