Mount Ellis Elementary Takes D.C. Trip

Eleven seventh- and eighth-graders who attend Mount Ellis Elementary School in Bozeman had the opportunity to participate in a one-week trip to the nation’s capital.

Michelle Wachter, Mount Ellis Elementary School principal, offered the trip as an educational history experience. The students did all the fundraising, and each of them were able to pay for their trip in its entirety. The students and sponsors were on the go every day to cram in as much of the area as was humanly possible.

The first night the students arrived, they were able to attend a Washington Wizards basketball game and eat at Union Station. Over the next few days, they were able to visit Gettysburg and the Hershey Chocolate factory. They saw a live play on the story of Samson and toured the White House, Smithsonian and many of the memorials.

They also visited Colonial Williamsburg, the Newseum, Ford’s Theater, Mount Vernon, Arlington Cemetery, the National Zoo, the Adventist Church's world headquarters, the Ellen G. White Estate and, of course, every gift shop known to man.

The students walked miles and miles every day, but everyone had a great time. It was a highly successful trip — one these students will not forget.

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Featured in: June 2016
