Veterans Honored at Sandy Church

On Sabbath, Nov. 7, 2015, Sandy Church members honored those who have so faithfully served them through military service. This is the fifth year that Sandy Church members have provided a special service and meal for the veterans of their country and community. They honor not just past and present members of the armed forces, but firefighters and law enforcement as well.

At the close of the worship service, Pleasant Valley Pathfinder Club color guard led  21 honored guests into the sanctuary for a presentation of the colors and the Pledge of Allegiance. Each guest was introduced by name and branch of service.

The luncheon speaker, Harold Stenseth, was a combat medic while serving in Vietnam. He is the brother-in-law of Sandy Rowe, a Sandy Church member. He has been featured in the book No Guns on Their Shoulders. Stenseth shared some humorous anecdotes and some sobering ones as he recounted how God protected him. 

Through his struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Stenseth has learned to trust God. He learned that God still has a place for him, that his triumph through trials are an excellent way to help other veterans who suffer from PTSD. Stenseth's testimony inspires others to allow God to use them to reach out to others who need His peace.

Sandy members feel blessed to have these public servants in their lives and to have the opportunity to publicly thank and honor them.

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