Vision Improves at BVAS

Neither bifocals nor a prescription have been needed to improve the vision of Boise Valley Adventist School (BVAS). All that was needed was a concept and a passionate school board. The vision in reference is not connected with eyesight but rather an ideal or image of something better: a desire to target areas within the school, in need of improvement, to promote the success and growth of BVAS.

The idea began with a concept proposed by Troy Haagenson, Cloverdale Church pastor, that targeted five key areas of education. Those areas included spiritual growth, marketing, financial stability, academic excellence and facility maintenance. Haagenson then challenged board members to assemble committees from the school and church family and lead these groups in selecting areas of greatest need, then develop a plan to accomplish or improve those areas. 

In the few short months since the vision committee began this process, many areas have already been addressed and have had a spiritual impact on the school atmosphere. Accomplishments include improving the registration process, incorporating an open house, updating the aesthetics of the school library, increasing school exposure during church services, increasing community service awareness, creating a tag line, adding a preview night and expanding the music program.

Additional areas such as marketing the school logo, developing key learnings, incorporating life skills and increasing project-based learning activities are being developed. This process will be ongoing for the next five years, with the ultimate goal of seeing growth in enrollment. 

The vision process has been and will continue to be instrumental in creating a facility and atmosphere that is reflective of the school’s philosophy and mission. The term "vision" means "to imagine," and that’s exactly what the vision group has done: imagine a school that’s spiritually sound, academically excellent, aesthetically appealing, financially stable and bursting at the seams.

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Featured in: July 2016
