Schroeder to Step Aside

Kimberley Schroeder, North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) planned giving director, has announced she will leave the position at the end of August. She will begin a new role on September 1 for Nay and Friedenberg, a Portland, Oregon, law firm which specializes in elder law and estate planning.

Schroeder began her professional work for Adventist church entities in 1988 as an accountant at the Oregon Conference. She joined the NPUC in 2002 as an assistant association treasurer working specifically with trust services. She has been planned giving director since 2011.

During her tenure as director, the NPUC association annually administered $29 million in trusts and annuities, and distributed $8.8 million in benefits to donors and nearly $12.3 million to benefit family members, local conference ministries and other mission-driven organizations. Membership support of the NPUC Revolving Fund provided financing for 75 local church and school building projects.  

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