Adventist Mission Alive and Well in Helena

The Helena Church held a Hope in the Word evangelistic seminar March 17–April 29, 2016. Ben Moore, Helena Church pastor, presented 25 sermons covering Adventist doctrine and coming events.

More than 80 people attended the opening meeting. By the third night, the attendance rose to 83.

It was a joy to see people carefully considering what they were hearing at each meeting. Moore provided plenty of information for them to take home, which included seminar Bibles, a list of all Scriptures from that night’s message, an Amazing Facts pamphlet outlining the same topic and an audio recording of the night’s message. With such helpful materials, many of the attendees expressed early on their excitement in learning new truths. One of the attendees commented that this seminar provided “answers to all of [his] questions."

Since the seminar concluded, some of the attendees are continuing Bible studies with Moore. A church elder, Ben Lesofski, has created a Sabbath School class for the new believers. Several have been baptized, and it is expected 10–13 people will be baptized as a result of the seminar.

The Helena Church hosted a Vacation Bible School, as well as providing three booths at the Lewis and Clark County Fair in August. The fair provided an opportunity to advertise our school, the coming daycare center, and our newly formed Pathfinders and Adventurers clubs. We were thrilled to hand out a large amount of literature to the public.

Capital View Christian School (CVCS) welcomed a new teacher, Sharon Johnson, last summer. Johnson has given her students a wonderful year of learning, community service, and many educational trips in the Helena area and beyond.

During the Christmas season, Johnson led the children in a Christmas cantata during the worship hour. They were also invited to present the cantata at the local Macy’s store, which resulted in an invitation to present it at a local non-Adventist church. This has been a good opportunity as Johnson works to draw students to the school.

Johnson also held a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Camp the first week of August, which drew 36 children. She plans to organize a STEM Club that will meet once a month during the school year. A good increase in students this year is a likely result of the efforts Johnson has made in the community.

Helena members praise God for His blessings and success as they plan the future of this little school and for His leading in the church as we reach out to the community.

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