Cottage Grove Opens New School

It was near the end of the 2014 school year that the members of the Cottage Grove Church began envisioning having an elementary school. It had been more than 30 years since an Adventist school had been operated in Cottage Grove. With no Christian options past kindergarten available in the community, it was time to change that.

As a church family, the decision was made to pursue opening a school by taking the necessary steps, with a commitment that, if God kept opening doors, the members of the Cottage Grove Church would keep following. Door after door kept opening, from donated furniture to school supplies and text books and even amazing yard sale finds for the new classroom.

The excitement grew as Dianna Mohr came on board as the teacher. Mohr loves children and has a passion for helping them learn. She has several years’ experience starting and growing schools, and Cottage Grove members saw her willingness to join the team as a direct answer to prayer.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held Aug. 16 to officially open the doors of Cottage Grove Christian School. Mayor Tom Munroe was in attendance, along with Kevin Miller, Cottage Grove Church pastor, and Jim Gryte, school board chairman. Students enjoyed playing with Legos in their classroom while parents, church members and community members took the opportunity to visit and learn more about the school.

Cottage Grove Christian School began classes on Aug. 29 and offers grades one through eight. Mohr and her students are looking forward to an exciting year.

Kevin and Carrie Miller, Cottage Grove Church pastoral team

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Featured in: October 2016