Milo Hosts Western Deaf Camp Meeting

The annual Western Deaf Camp Meeting was held at Milo Adventist Academy in Days Creek, Ore., July 10–17. This was yet another great event. This camp meeting (all done in American Sign Language) is completely organized and run by deaf Adventists in the Portland, Ore., area. Not only do the deaf members from North Pacific Union area attend, but deaf people from all across the United States and their family and friends.  

The days are full with wonderful presenters (most of whom are deaf), Bible study, rafting, crafting, hiking, swimming and volleyball games.

The Holy Spirit never seems closer and more powerful than during the Lord’s Supper on Friday evening. It’s not often that deaf people get to participate in this way. 

Witnessing a fellow deaf person announce their faith and desire to follow God is always a high point. Francie Naiman from Portland was baptized. She is a Jew who fellowshipped with deaf Adventists from the Tabernacle Church in Portland for a while. She appreciated greatly Sabbath worship services but was not a believer in Jesus as the Messiah.

Robert Fishbein, a deaf member and half-Jewish himself, shared with Naiman why he came to accept Jesus as his Savior. After studying with him and George Belser (a former stipend pastor for the deaf), she decided to accept Jesus as her personal Savior and was baptized.

Alongside the general events, the Seventh-day Interpreters Workshop was held on campus. Their sessions were held separately but frequently joined the deaf for activities, meals and Sabbath meetings. Most of the interpreters came from far away as Texas and Arkansas. 

Plans are being laid for next year’s camp meeting, which will again be in July at Milo Adventist Academy. This will be an extra-special event as it will be the 40-year anniversary. Growing together in Jesus over the last 39 years has been an amazing experience. Many, many fond memories have been made, and many souls were brought into a closer walk with God.

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Featured in: December 2016
