VBS in Whipple Creek

Whipple Creek Church in Ridgefield, Washington, had a great VBS this summer. With an average of 30–35 children, half were from families of non-church members.

Our theme this year was Barnyard Roundup. There was a sheep brought by for the children to pet, much to the delight for all. They enjoyed the singing, Bible stories and the crafts. Our special project this year was raising money to buy goats for single mothers in Africa via ADRA. The children looked forward to finding out how much money was turned in daily, they loved watching as more paper goats were put up each day. Each goat represented $40 the cost for one goat.

At the end of VBS and announcement in church resulted in more donations allowing us to purchase 41 goats. They also learned the power of prayer, it had been raining one afternoon and the teachers prayed for the rain to stop so the children could do their outside activities. Not only did the rain stop but the sun came out! Thank you Jesus. I think VBS was a wonderful blessing for the children as well as for all the volunteers who helped out.

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