2017 Senior Class Officers

The Walla Walla University senior class of 2017 has elected officers for the main campus and the nursing campus in Portland, Ore.

College Place Campus

(Front row, from left) Paul Dybdahl, professor of mission and New Testament, sponsor; Bryndilynn Goodlin (Boring, Ore.), humanities/premedicine major, secretary/historian; Joseph Ausmus (College Place, Wash.), physics major/premedicine, social vice president; Erick Juarez (San Bernardino, Calif.), business administration major, treasurer; Emily Tillotson, assistant professor of social work and sociology, sponsor; (back row, from left) Foluwasomi Oyefeso (Fontana, Calif.), bioengineering major, vice president; Gregory Ringering (Wenatchee, Wash.), mathematics major, president; Jonathan Spracklen (Cove, Ore.), industrial design major, marketing and public relations; and Andrew Barcenas (Salem, Ore.), health science major, spiritual vice president.

Portland campus

(From left) Kelsey Bissell, clinical instructor for advanced acute nursing, sponsor; Michaelynn Paul, associate professor of nursing, sponsor; Amber Aqui (College Place, Wash.), nursing major, co-president; Zoe Foulston (Redlands, Calif.), nursing major, co-president.

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Featured in: March 2017


Kim Strobel

Adventist Health program manager for religion, faith and mission