Image Credit: Gary McLain

Milo Student Chaplain Challenges Pastors and Teachers

Milo Adventist Academy student chaplain and junior Kiana Brusett addressed the pastors and teachers of the Oregon Conference on Jan. 3 at Together as One, the second gathering of church ministers and ministers of education.

Chad Reisig, Milo Church (Days Creek, Ore.) pastor, introduced her. “Kiana Brusett has a passion to set the world on fire for Jesus. She truly wants to be and believes God can use her as a world-changer. Her energy and conviction for serving Jesus and His church are contagious. Her heart for ministry is unmistakable. Her vision is to see people brought into the kingdom of God through a church that uses all generations, regardless of age. If we all could harness her energy, and that of all our teens, I truly believe it will happen.”

Brusett presented a short challenge to pastors and teachers to get the youth involved now, not when they are more mature or have more skills. She listed more than a dozen famous individuals who accomplished amazing feats as children or teens and asked, “If in history, young people accomplished crazy things, things that shaped the world, and the Bible shows us time after time when young people were used, why in our church are we not allowing young people to have a place to change things? How can we be ‘Together as One’ when a generation isn’t given ownership of their faith and of the church? How can we be ‘Together as One’ when a part of the church is deemed too immature to handle leadership in the church? How can we be ‘Together as One’ when our youth are constantly being told to wait our turn? How can we be ‘Together as One’ if we limit the working of the Holy Spirit to the ones who are 'qualified' for it?”

Reminding us the church dies when we don’t allow every member of the body of Christ to do their part, Brusett suggested leaders create opportunities for the youth to get involved in church and actively mentor them. “I implore the leaders in our church, mentor the youth around you. Teach them to be leaders, strong in their faith. When we act on the call of Jesus Christ, the world changes," she said. "Miracles untold would happen. No force of evil would be able to stop us from boldly proclaiming the name of Jesus. Leaders would be raised up.”

“Let’s stop saying the church of tomorrow,” Brusett concluded. “The youth are the church of now, and you are the church of now. We are the church of now: you and me. The more we say ‘church of tomorrow,’ the less church we are going to have.  So I plead with you, challenge your youth. Challenge your leaders. Challenge yourself. Get your youth up front, speaking, singing, behind the scenes, wherever. Let us really be ‘Together as One,’ united in God’s common purpose, in His gospel and His grace. Let's stop being afraid. This is a new year; let’s make it the year of audacious faith. Let us be united as the church of now.”

Gale Crosby, Oregon Conference educational superintendent, invited audience feedback after the presentation. Randy Thornton, Milo Adventist Academy principal, affirmed Brusett and the blessing she has been to Milo. Several others shared what resonated with them, especially acknowledging the impact mentoring can have and the need for mentors throughout the conference.

Dan Linrud, newly elected Oregon Conference president, said he felt impressed during Brusett's talk to create a youth presidential advisory council.

For more information about youth ministry at Milo, contact Chad Reisig at

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