Omak Members Ring Bells, Raise Money

Omak (Wash.) Church members have been ringing bells for the Salvation Army since 2012. Every Sunday, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., church members are standing outside the door of Wal-Mart. Along with the sound of the bells, shoppers may hear musical instruments playing or hymns and carols being sung.

Since we worship on Sabbath, the Adventist Church members are the only church that gathers donations for the Salvation Army on Sunday. 

These past years, all of the Salvation Army donations raised in our community have benefited our community.

These funds are distributed monthly through gospel-based Manfisher Ministry. Along with hot meals and clothing, this street-level ministry offers the homeless population vouchers for housing, transportation and additional survival necessities. The all-volunteer ministry makes sure that prayer with those in need is included in each step of assistance.

Our church’s bell-ringing participation has been a rewarding experience for those involved. It has helped us, as a church, to be more visible in the community, widened our involvement with the homeless and strengthened our relationship with other churches. 

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Featured in: February 2017
