Hacksaw Ridge Leads to Hell and Mr. Fudge

Over a couple years the Gaston Church, in connection with the Forest Grove Church, sought to show the movie Hell and Mr. Fudge in the local Forest Theater. Because it was not a Hollywood movie, the owner seemed to have no interest in showing it being shown in this venue.

Periodically others would ask and still no interest — until the movie Hacksaw Ridge played in theaters all across the United States. When a group passed out free books about the Adventist hero of the film, Desmond Doss, to the movie-goers and spent time talking with the owner and other staff, a wall of resistance came down.

The last barrier was removed when the article from the Gleaner (February 2017) was emailed to the owner, featuring his theater in Cornelius showing the movie and mentioning the hopes of showing Hell and Mr. Fudge. After this he willingly took the initiative to call and set up a date to show the movie.

It was shown in the Forest Grove theater on Monday evening, April 10. This movie, produced by LLT Productions of Angwin, Calif., features Edward Fudge who was paid to research the truth about hellfire. His journey to discover truth and the difficulties he encountered make it an excellent way to share the truth that God does not burn people forever but only consumes sin and those clinging to it in the end of time. It is a powerful tool to reach people’s hearts with the love of God.

Sixty-four people came to the showing of Hell and Mr. Fudge, more than doubling the highest attendance they average at this little theater. Even though many of them were Adventists who came to support this showing, there were still quite a few who were not.

At one point a couple walked out and some thought that they did not like the movie. Turns out they just wanted popcorn and in a few minutes they were back to enjoy the whole movie.

Quite a few people gave positive comments about the movie. What a wonderful way to share Bible truth and be as salt of the earth out where people like to be. Some would never want to come to a church, but by bringing Jesus to them, they too can know of His love. The seeds planted will be remembered and continue to influence their thoughts about God.

As the people left that evening they were able to pick up various forms of literature to study further of what the Bible says — a study guide or a booklet to read, with many pages or just a few. This way God will be able to continue to speak to their hearts and transform their lives.

Maybe your church too could show Hell and Mr. Fudge or another movie in a local theater to touch more lives. Persevere, and it can happen!

By the way, the owner was so pleased with working with these churches, he expressed he is willing to let us show movies again in the future; he said just let him know when. Praise to God!

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