Image Credit: Adam Woelk

Last-Minute Evangelistic Series Proves to Be Right on Time

What does a church do when they are between pastors and the head elder is on a trip out of the country? Plan an evangelistic series of course.

That’s what Alaska's Anchorage Northside Church did when the Brian McMahon series in Juneau was canceled unexpectedly and the elders of Northside Church decided to invite him to their church. With only three weeks before the series was to begin on Feb. 18, 2017, it was a very busy time for the members, but on opening night we were ready.

McMahon’s messages were well-planned, and the church was full for each message. At the end of the series, 26 people accepted Christ and were welcomed into the church through baptism. 

McMahon and Kevin Miller, Alaska Conference president, joined together in baptizing the candidates on March 18. Among those baptized was Charles Kent, who recognized the world has become increasingly wicked. He had visited several churches looking for answers before attending the series. 

Others baptized included three married couples, two sisters who surprised their father with their decision, two brothers and a sister newly arrived from Rwanda, and a family of nine. Shaun Sehl, an attorney, would go home and prove the information she had heard. After careful thought and study, she chose to join by profession of faith.

Each night before the meeting we would join together for a time of praise and prayer and rejoiced in how God had taken a recently planned seminar and blessed it. Northside Church members are looking forward to future baptisms that come from the “seed” planted through this series.

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Featured in: August 2017
