Montana Pastors Attend Living Hope School of Evangelism

Several Montana Conference pastors had the opportunity to attend Mark and Ernestine Finley's Living Hope School of Evangelism for one week in April. The trip was sponsored by the ministerial department in cooperation with conference administration. 

In addition to class instruction time there were evening seminars open to the community on topics such as health, wellness and archaeology. Many came out to hear about these relevant topics of interest. This powerfully demonstrated the power of the cycle of evangelism in the ongoing life of the church in terms of witness and faith-sharing with neighbors and friends. 

Pastors attending Living Hope were also able to share one on one with the Finleys about their particular ministry challenges and potential opportunities. One pastor, commenting on the experience, said that "great ideas were shared regarding presenting our health message in a balanced, tasteful and attractive way." Another said there was "practical training on different aspects of evangelism and equipping church members for service." 

The Montana Conference is grateful to the Finleys for taking the time to share with and mentor church leaders and pastors. Their love for the work of God was truly an inspiration to all of us.

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Featured in: September 2017
