Image Credit: Melissa Stuber

Bozeman Hosts Messiah's Mansion

How much of your imagination do you use when reading through the Bible? Are you able to picture what it was like to cross the Red Sea on dry ground? What kind of imagery comes to mind when you hear the story of Jericho?

As we read through the Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, we have many descriptions of events that took place long ago and some yet to come. For those of us who learn best by visual means, having a life-size model can help bring history to life and give us a glance into a culture we have only read about.

Messiah’s Mansion is a full-scale model of the sanctuary described in Exodus. The Oklahoma-based ministry currently has three traveling exhibits that have been making their way across the globe, sharing the beautiful message of salvation through the Mosaic tabernacle.

After months of planning, the Messiah’s Mansion crew arrived at the Montana Conference Office in Bozeman on July 25 for setup. The two-and-a-half-day process of unpacking, setting up and finalizing details was a big job, made lighter by many helpful hands that came to support this special outreach event.

Tours began on Sabbath, July 29, and ran daily, 1–7 p.m., through Sunday, Aug. 6. Visitors came from all over the state and beyond to take their free tour through the tents that were drawing attention as they sat just off of Interstate 90.

People were led through a quick overview of the tabernacle and taken through the courtyard, holy place and most holy place, where knowledgeable guides would share with them the importance of each piece of furniture. Guests were able to see firsthand how every part of the system pointed directly to Jesus and His mission of setting His people free from sin.

The custom-built replica was full of rich and meaningful colors that displayed important themes throughout the entire tour. The painted bronze, silver and gold pieces gave exciting insight to the beauty of what the sanctuary of old must have looked like.

The final stop before people were given a chance to peruse the book tent was the survey tent, a life-size model of the high priest stood. Tour guides explained the meaning and purpose of his colorful garments and accessories.

A short survey asked visitors how they heard about the tours and offered them the chance to learn more in a variety of areas: further sanctuary study, depression recovery, marriage seminar, health and financial classes, Bible studies, and K–12 Christian education. More than 1,100 people came through the tours representing more than 120 churches. Of those, 263 people asked for follow-up.

The Messiah’s Mansion exhibit has opened doors into the lives of many in our community, and we look forward to see what God has in store for them.

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Featured in: October 2017
