A Message from John Freedman Regarding Oct. 7 NPUC Day of Prayer

​John Freedman, North Pacific Union Conference president, has issued the following call to prayer for Sabbath, October 7.

"Many of you have been asking about this year’s Annual Council meeting of our world church. Will the strong opinions within our church about authority, governance and ordination find a place of common agreement? I don’t have the answer, but I believe in a God who does. And so I am urging our Northwest members, each in their own way, to join in a special day of prayer this coming Sabbath, October 7. Let’s pray that God’s Spirit will move upon the hearts of those who must contemplate decisions during these world church meetings next week. May God bring extraordinary understanding, humility and patience to these sessions.

I believe our prayers together should ascend as well for those across this nation and beyond who have been devastated by wind, fire, flood, and, yes, bullets. They are all unspeakable tragedies of epic proportions. People from many walks of life have had their lives shattered and even ended. Our prayers should be for them, for every emergency responder and long-term caregiver. And as we pray, may God grant us responsive hearts like His, to go beyond intercession to action — to  effectively be His hands and feet in bringing hope, help and healing.

Please join me in prayer this Sabbath, October 7. Let’s entreat God together on behalf of His church and His children."

Two Special Prayers

The following are prayers to join with specifically on Oct. 7. Connect with these prayers in the privacy of your own home or invite your church family to join in during Sabbath services.

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