Anonymous Mission Group Overhauls Camp Tukuskoya

A mission group, which prefers to remain anonymous, invested four working days this summer in restoring and upgrading Camp Tukuskoya, near Big Lake, Alaska. 

From the board-and-batten dry cabins built in the 1950s to the Eagle/Polar Bear cabin framed in during spring break, every structure received specialized attention. Since excavator and bulldozer work to protect the lodge foundation was scheduled for September, contractors and other willing hands prepared the site by detaching decking, removing a 15-foot outdoor commercial sink, excavating septic lines, hand-digging drainage channels, and leveling and bracing foundation piers.  

Finding time to spare, this group constructed a new woodshed by the campfire bowl and a life jacket rack beside the boat dock. They rebuilt decks on the bathhouse and boathouse. Lighting was added to the craft shack, and wiring was upgraded in the boathouse. The new Eagle/Polar Bear cabin now sports completed siding and decking, with railing on both decks. 

Meanwhile, volunteers power-washed and painted the double stair system and painted water sealant on the exteriors of all seven original cabins. The group celebrated a baptism together before heading home. “This place is a treasure,” remarked one volunteer. “I’m praying you can offer more camps next summer — fill this place up.” Plans are in the works to accomplish just that.

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Featured in: November 2017
