Meharry Appointed as NPUC Director of Elementary Education

The North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) Executive Committee at its regular winter meeting on Feb. 28, 2018, appointed Becky Meharry as director of elementary education. Meharry, who currently is serving in her fourth year for the Washington Conference as associate superintendent of schools, will begin her new NPUC assignment June 1. Prior to 2014, she served as teacher and principal for 19 years in the Montana Conference.

Meharry will succeed Patti Revolinski who is retiring after 45 years as a teacher and leader in Adventist education. Since 1995, Revolinski has given 23 years of distinguished leadership at the NPUC as the director of elementary education.

Meharry comes to this position with a variety of experiences that uniquely equip her for the new assignment. Notable are her experience in teaching and leading in small schools, and engagement curriculum development teams at the school, conference, union and North American Division levels, as well as effective administrative assignments at schools and as a conference associate superintendent. 

“Becky is a top tier educator in every way,” says John Loor Jr., recently retired NPUC vice president for administration and former Montana Conference president.

In her new assignment Meharry will be an advocate for excellence in teaching and learning that integrates Adventist faith and values with the very best classroom practices. Her first priority will be collaborating with conferences and schools to guide teachers and leaders toward professional and personal success. Becky will also be tasked with building and leading productive curriculum and professional improvement teams. She has a clear vision for helping all educators keep in focus the ultimate goal in Adventist schools — to give every student every opportunity every day to encounter Jesus and experience excellence.

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