New Members Care About People, Evangelism

Carol and Samantha came to Idaho's Middleton Church for the first time Sept. 20, 2016, after they received a postcard from an It Is Written mailing. They asked for Bible studies and studied with the local pastor, Alvin Schnell, and his wife, Coral, for four months.

Even before they were baptized on Jan. 28, 2017, Carol and Samantha were on fire for the Lord, sharing the gospel and helping those less fortunate than themselves. They are hardworking, caring young women who come into contact with many people through their cleaning business.

Not enough can be said about the dedication Carol and Samantha show in being the hands and feet of Jesus. One of the things they do is share literature with people. They distribute many books including the Bible, The Great Hope, The Great Controversy and others.

At the street in front of their home, they have a Hope’s Box, where food, dog food, paper products, toiletries and more, as well as literature, is kept, free for the taking by anyone who might need or want it. There is a sign that reads to take what you need and, if you can donate at some time, then pay it back.

While still church visitors, Carol and Samantha donated to the food boxes for the needy, added names to the list for donations and delivered the boxes. They help with all the holiday food drives and the pantry that keeps food on hand for distribution all year. At Christmastime, they secured several turkeys for the boxes, which meant less cash needed to be spent from the fund.

In the spring, when a yard sale was organized to raise money for the Community Services fund, the pair solicited their clients for donations and brought in load after load of items to be sold. Then they brought baked items for the corresponding bake sale and even came to shop. They also made donations for two subsequent sales.

Their most recent request to the board was to start a visiting ministry. They asked for help from the congregation to visit people who are lonely, shut-ins, people in nursing homes or those on hospice care. Training was organized by a local hospice for volunteers, and nine people attended and became certified. There is no end to the prospects for visitation.

It is obvious the Holy Spirit, through the study of the Word, has fallen upon Carol and Samantha. Their willingness and humility are opening the door to reach out to the citizens of the Middleton community and beyond. These two new Christian ladies have embraced Jesus’ character and are serving those around them in His Spirit.

Lynne Lent, Middleton Church Community Services director, and Leroy Cortez, Middleton Church Community Services assistant

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Featured in: April 2018
