Moscow Brings Last Supper to New Life

What is Agape in Action?

Well, here at the Moscow (Idaho) Church, it is a celebration of Christ’s example of love in action. Natashia McVay, Moscow Church associate pastor, coordinated an amazing replica feast complete with fresh and dried fruit and nuts, challah bread, hummus, and soup brought by members. Each table was richly decorated with reminders of Christ’s crucifixion: thorn crowns, spike nails, clay jars and Mediterranean-themed decorations. One church member had even made a life-size cross.

Marshall McVay, Moscow Church senior pastor, shared with the group the meaning and details of the last supper Jesus ate with His disciples. One of the musically talented members, Jered Kostenko, played beautiful hymns as Melanie Thong led the group in singing of “The Old Rugged Cross” and other great reminders of this special event.

Members then separated to share in the wonderful gift of foot washing. This was a special time for sharing this humbling reminder of Christ’s selfless act. Families took part, the college students that worship with the Moscow and Pullman churches took part, and young and old had a "hands-on" lesson and vivid portrayal of this special time we are all to share with each other.

As the group reconvened Marshall McVay shared the sacred descriptions of Christ’s breaking the bread and sharing of the juice. These emblems were prepared in a slightly larger-than-typical communion size, and the bread was baked in the shape of a heart — to remind us of Christ’s body and blood.

What a great opportunity to have all of our senses involved in an Agape in Action Friday evening — a very blessed way to enter into the Sabbath.

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Featured in: June 2018
