Hayden Lake Hosts 'Living in the Final Week'

A unique evangelistic series, Living in the Final Week, was presented last fall (Sept. 15–Oct. 14, 2017) by Tim Rumsey at the Hayden Lake (Idaho) Church. Each night featured an engaging story illustration from modern times that drew listeners into Bible truth.

The first night's presentation began with the story of a man who was rescued from the fall of the Twin Towers in 2001. When the whole world was “flying in his face” he could only dive under his desk and pray, “God, I can't do this; save me!” Listeners were inspired to hope in divine help for their own lives when life “flies in their face” and, humanly speaking, there seems no way out. The meeting continued with a study of Daniel 2, tracing the working out of God's plan for this earth down through history to our very day, with the next event being Christ's second coming and the setting up of His kingdom.

What made this series so unique was Rumsey's teaching of the principle that what happens to the head (Christ) happens to the body (the church) and what happens to the body happens to the head. He drew fascinating parallels between the Old Testament body of Christ (Israel) and Christ's life on this earth. Then, he used events in the last week of Christ's life to show what would happen to His church down through the ages to the very end of time.

There was an average nightly attendance of about 90. The backdrop used was a large clock showing a few minutes before midnight and a model of the ark of the covenant that was in the earthly sanctuary. During several of the presentations, various items were taken from the replica of the ark to illustrate an important point in the plan of salvation: Aaron's rod, the pot of mannathe Ten Commandments written on stone.

The series ended on Oct. 14 with a picture of the “remnant of the woman's seed” (Rev. 12:17). Five people were baptized at the conclusion of the service, and others were still studying. All those who attended were richly blessed. Through DVDs and CDs made of the series, many more are sharing in the blessing. 

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Featured in: January/February 2019
