Interfaith Relationship Brings Organ Music Back to Pocatello Church

The local church in Pocatello, Idaho, has been challenged by the lack of pianists and organists within their congregation. Pocatello is quite a transitional town, with residents moving in or leaving at an ongoing rate and older residents passing away. About a year ago, the local church had only one pianist and no organists. In years past, the quantity was much higher.

The Pocatello Church community outreach leader has been attending the public affairs council (PAC) meetings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for almost two years. This has been a source of information about communitywide multidenominational projects. In addition the support of this team in serving the local community has been greatly appreciated in many aspects. Due to the openness of this team, the relationship has been very healthy.

During one of these meetings over a year ago, the question was asked of how the local Adventist church could be supported. Instantaneously, the request for organists was mentioned.

Later that week, one of the PAC members, a leader of the Idaho State University (ISU) students of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, texted the Adventist member with an idea that a team of ISU students could assist. The idea was warmly received, and a meeting was setup with eight ISU students, as well as their leaders. Introductions were made, schedules were organized, and the team of ISU students have been practicing and performing, adding their talents to those of the local Adventist pianist.

Their service has been greatly appreciated. The dedication of talent and time has supported this Adventist church worship service. Where there was the absence of organ music, the worship service is filled with beautiful music.

It is so imperative to recognize that God’s church is represented by all people. In this Pocatello example it is and has been a beautiful experience for two different faiths working together — God’s servants dedicated to serving our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Recently, one of the local pianists suffering from a seizure could relax, knowing the music would continue by an ISU student on the organ. Praise God for those who seek to serve in Him.

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Featured in: May/June 2019

