Alaska President Prepares for Reserve Assignment

Kevin Miller, Alaska Conference president, is preparing to begin a nine-month international assignment as a chaplain with the National Guard from June 2019 through February 2020. It is part of his commitment as a member of the reserves. He plans to return to regular conference duties in March 2020.

During Miller’s absence from the conference, John Loor Jr. will help fill in any administrative gaps as a general vice president. He will assist Melvin Santos, vice president for administration, and Jim Jenson, vice president for finance, with various responsibilities, including secretariat duties and preparation for the conference constituency session in 2020. Loor is well acquainted with conference administrative work, having served as Montana Conference president and as vice president for administration with the North Pacific Union Conference. Retired in Arizona, Loor plans to spend an average of two weeks each month on task within the Alaska Conference territory until Miller returns.

Alaska Conference constituents were well-informed about Miller’s status as chaplain with the Alaska National Guard. For the past 10 years, Miller has provided periodic chaplaincy services for the state National Guard, which typically has meant one weekend per month and a two-week stint each year. During the 2016 conference constituency session, delegates knew that if Miller was voted in as president, there would be a potential for a reserve assignment to encroach upon his term with the conference. With this understanding, he was overwhelmingly approved to the post. This is the first time, as president, that he has been called to a more active assignment.

"I am grateful for a great conference team that will continue the mission at home while I am away," Miller says. "As I minister to and provide spiritual encouragement to those who are maintaining peace and protecting freedoms in a very critical area of the world, I will be praying for God's presence to attend each of our dedicated Alaska members."

And, most certainly, prayers of members from Alaska and beyond go with Miller as he represents the ministry of Christ during this extended leave to service members far away from home. He is scheduled to be stationed in Kosovo, near the ancient territory of Macedonia.

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Steve Vistaunet

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor, 1996–2019