Wrangell Church Receives Community Services Grant

Wrangell Adventist Community Services (ACS) has been participating in a federal program that has been established for feeding low-income seniors who live in the area. First Bank of Alaska gifted the Wrangell Church a grant of $3,000, which has provided much-needed funds to facilitate this program.

These funds will be used to pay for shipping the cost of boxes to Wrangell by barge. Each box is filled with food weighing 30 pounds in preparation for distribution to those in need. Some recipients are able to come to the church to pick up their boxes, while those who are physically unable can have them delivered by ACS members as part of the church’s outreach ministry.

Wrangell ACS leader April Eilertsen states, “It is a pleasure to assist our seniors with providing food for their physical needs.”

Grant writer Stephanie Eilertsen says, “The folks at First Bank of Alaska have helped our community by providing the funds needed to pay for shipping the food boxes to seniors who cannot pick them up.”

Several recipients have made the following comments about the food distribution program that is in place: “If it wasn’t for this I wouldn’t have food to last the whole month” and “There are so many people helped by this program.”

Local churches and private donors continue to help and assist in providing funds in addition to the grant. The food distribution program designed for seniors helps ACS to represent Christ as members follow His admonishment to be servants to their community in a tangible way.

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Featured in: September/October 2019
