Small-Church Vision Brings Big Hope to Big Timber

They said it would be impossible, but sometimes big things come in small places. Sandra Smith, a member of the Big Timber (Mont.) Church, had heard there was a group doing a large vision clinic/medical outreach in Bozeman, Mont., so she went to see what it was all about.

That day was the catalyst that started something amazing in the little church in Big Timber. Smith came back from that outreach and began talking about hosting a vision clinic in Big Timber. Dreams turned into reality when the church reached out to Better Vision Better Hope. This organization helps churches and communities bring much needed services to communities in Montana and Oklahoma.

The Big Timber Church has 20 active members, who have a heart to share Jesus with their community. They initially questioned whether the church would actually be big enough to host the vision clinic, but after utilizing every space available and removing the worship pews they saw that possibilities were endless.

On May 19, 2019, the front entrance of the Big Timber Church was transformed into the waiting area, the Sabbath School classroom was the precheck station, the sanctuary became the doctor’s office, and the kitchen was transformed into the checkout area where folks could pick their frames and pray with church members.

The clinic hosted 67 members from the community that day. Oswald Rondon, an optometrist, came from Billings, Mont., along with several technicians. The Better Vision Better Hope director, Andrea Shellenberg, was on hand to train the church members on how to run the clinic.

This experience was unbelievable. People were so grateful for the love and care they received from every person at the clinic. Numerous folks have asked for Bible studies and prayer. The church was blessed to be a part of this and will continue to host the outreach yearly. Rob Liss, Bible worker/worship coordinator, had an opportunity to interact with every person as they left the clinic.

Every person no matter their age was able to help in some way. Sequoia Smith, 6, helped check in folks as they entered the church. No matter the size of church, all we need is a heart for service and Jesus can do great things.

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Featured in: September/October 2019
