Take Me to the Water

Sharon Church in Portland, Ore., experienced a high day on Sabbath, June 15, 2019, due to baptisms — not baptism but baptisms in the plural.

Garth Dottin, Sharon Church pastor, was waist deep in a baptism pool with what started as a couple, Silvia and Russell Fay, preparing for baptism after months of study. Sudden three more people standing on the platform with them — supporting them in their decision — had all decided to take their stand as well. The Fays' family members Isaiah Cortez, Marisa Cortez and Lydia Caballero-Dominguez had also been studying with Dottin and decided to be baptized with their loved ones, unbeknownst to the Fays.

It was such a blessing and a beautiful sight. To add to the beauty of it all, after hearing testimonies from both Sylvia and Russ about their journey, the Holy Spirit was not through.

Dottin opened the doors of the church, saying, “The pool is still warm!” The church family went into immediate prayer. And the Holy Spirit did what it does best: touched two more souls, letting them know that it was their time to join the incredible family of Christ.

Two more people responded to the call of the Spirit and raised their hands to also be baptized. LaShonti Turner and Tetteh Kofi both went into the pool that day. Kofi, new to the Portland area, immediately called his mother, who lives in Houston, Texas, and she listened in while her son made his election sure. Turner, who grew up in Sharon Church, rejoiced with her family as well.

A few weeks earlier, on May 25, 2019, Dottin baptized three other individuals: Tim Hill (also new to the Portland area), Lavelle Harris and Nicole Bowles. To sweeten the pot, Harris and Bowles were married at the Sharon Church in July.

God has great things in store for Sharon Church in this part of the vineyard. Their summer events include the Fun Day/Backpack Giveaway (a back-to-school event) in July, the church cookout at Portland Adventist Elementary School on Aug. 4 and the Maker Fun Factory Vacation Bible School. The Sharon Church family is up to the task to make sure events keep going for their church and community.

Like the Sharon Seventh-Day Adventist Church on Facebook and visit the Sharon Church's website at www.sharonsda.net to stay abreast of the various activities happening at Sharon Church and join us on any given Sabbath, where the arms of Christ are always open! 

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Featured in: September/October 2019

