Community Services Make Difference in Central Oregon

Are we planning too many projects in too short a timeframe? Will there be enough volunteers to provide good programs? There are many reasons to pray for wisdom and God’s hand to guide when fear creeps in. But Cascade Church in Bend, Ore., is a praying church that is seeing many miracles in three successful community programs this year. 

Vegan Cooking Classes

A plant-based diet is gaining popularity in more and more restaurants, grocery stores and your dinner guests’ preferences. What to cook for a vegan? And even more pressure is felt as to what to cook for our own families. Why not promote what the community is ripe for and Adventists are known for in cooking healthy? It’s kind of a no-brainer to decide on this venture for the community. We put together a team to make samples for class attendees, including eight tofu-based recipes, eight breakfast items, six world entrees and even sweet treats. You can’t believe how delicious the zucchini linguini with alfredo sauce and coconut cream pie were.

The Cascade Church’s pastor brought his mother-in-law from Missouri to be the class instructor. She has years of experience as a vegan cook and is a talented recipe writer. She partnered with her daughter, Melony Coleman, to instruct the class. They were super fun to learn from.

Forty-six people from the community and neighboring churches attended three nights to learn medical reasons for going vegan. The applause said it all — just what the doctor ordered for a successful community program sharing both the good news of healthy living and the good news of a Lord who wants the best for us. A goodie bag was provided with information on 3ABN (Three Angels Broadcasting Network), God’s Closet, an upcoming evangelism series and Bible studies — plus a coupon for Beyond Burgers.

God’s Closet

In the spring, God’s Closet was initiated at Cascade Church, a community ministry of North American Adventist churches (now 42 in number). It is of a donation network through which individuals and businesses donate gently used and new children’s clothing at any time of the year. Twice a year, families in need come to “shop” free of charge. A passionate team is working hard to establish this ministry, which brings tangible value to people’s lives and knowledge of the love of Jesus.

Free Dental Clinic for Vets

Dr. Nancy, the dental clinic medical director and Cascade Church member reports, “This is now our fourth year holding a free dental clinic for veterans who don’t have dental insurance. We’re helping meet that need [through] dentists, hygienists, X-ray techs — all from the community — with 30 church volunteers and direction of Caring Hands Worldwide. The patients come knowing nothing about our church. One lady told me that we’re all angels, doing service to the vets."

To host a dental clinic, contact Randy Meyer at Caring Hands Worldwide.

What’s Next?

It was a big year for our church, with just under 100 attending members, but we’re not resting on our past joys and are now planning for a January 2020 Revelation evangelism series with 26 meetings in five weeks given by Jeff Coleman, Cascade Church pastor. We’re reading Ellen White and learning and practicing what it means “to go into the cities as laymen with unflagging zeal, in courage, simplicity, unity and meekness.”

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Featured in: January/February 2020
