Drone Pilot Class Offered at LCA

Did you know that Lake City Academy (LCA) in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, has a drone piloting class? Students are learning new skills using miniature drones and virtual reality.

Recently LCA was approached by the North American Division's technology and distance learning committee to be featured on their blog. The site is designed to share resources and ideas for all of our sister schools to access. You can read the article by clicking here or visiting https://glnr.in/lakecityacademydrones. 

If you don't know much about drones, this area of technology is quickly growing each year. It will be interesting to see how they impact daily life in the future.

Why is this exciting and important? Think back to when computers were still inaccessible to most families. Schools were some of the first places to use them and teach others. Now we use computers every day.

We view the new possibilities with drones the same way. LCA believes in teaching modern advancements alongside essential core subjects. Curiosity and creativity are priorities on this campus.

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Featured in: January/February 2020