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10 Reasons to Start an Adventurer or Pathfinder Club

Are you wishing there were more kids or ANY kids in your local church? Start a club! That’s right, start an outreach club and start reaching the children and families in your neighborhood. Here are 10 reasons you should start a club THIS YEAR.

1. Clubs are a proven way to reach kids and families in your community.

2. They’re fun!

3. The Adventurers program helps build stronger families.

4. Pathfinders has a demonstrated record of helping kids make lifelong decisions for Jesus and baptism.

5. Outreach clubs are helping churches with few or no children reach kids in their communities.

6. Clubs help kids become Jesus followers.

7. Clubs create leaders who are motivated by mission.

8. Did we mention they’re FUN?!

9. Clubs connect kids to nature and the Creator.

10. Clubs teach kids how to make a real difference in their communities.

11. BONUS: There is plenty of time to get ready for Oshkosh in 2024!

Need help starting a club in your church? Contact your conference club ministries department and discover how easy it is to begin.

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Featured in: March/April 2020