Image Credit: Sonia Brock

Bus Driver Goes Above and Beyond

COVID-19 has drastically changed how each one of us interact within our community. While a challenging time, it has also spawned amazing stories of how people have come up with creative ways to continue outreach and mission to those in their community. Meet Sonia Brock, a Palmer Church member, who found a solution for a much-needed resource to those around her in Alaska.

Brock drives a school bus for Alaska's Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District. The district spans more than 25,000 square miles. With schools nationwide closing their doors and shifting to online learning, many students are missing out on some of the vital services schools provide. Like many places in the country, school-provided meals are a huge need in Brock's district. The sheer size of the district makes it challenging to help students whose parents are unable to come and pick up their lunches for their children. 

Not wanting to let her students go without, Brock seized the opportunity to use her bus to drive around the district delivering lunches. After her delivery route in the bus, Brock hops in her own car to continue to deliver lunches to those family who are off the grid. On average, she makes almost 100 lunch deliveries per day.

"Our day gets better for each of us when we get on the bus and start our day," says Brock. "Today, we gave away everything they loaded into our bus: 111 lunches ... 499 lunches this week. [We] have made it a fun game ... and the parents are so grateful."

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Featured in: July/August 2020
