Roundup Reaches Out Amid Social Distancing

Musselshell County, Montana, has been lucky. There was only one case of the coronavirus. Even though our neighbor to the south, Yellowstone County, has many more cases, we seem to be doing fine here in our little rural community.

Even though the Roundup Church has been closed, its members have been working behind the scenes. We were able to distribute a new GLOW (Giving Light to Our World) tract, "Coronavirus and Immunity," to the community through the Meals on Wheels program. This program is now distributing about 30 meals Monday through Friday by volunteer drivers. Each meal also contains an uplifting message from the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. We felt the GLOW tract was a fitting addition to the meals, and they agreed. More GLOW tracts have been distributed by church members through mail contacts.

Recently church members were able to gather for the semiannual highway cleanup event. We used this time to discuss church planning while helping clean our portion of highway and south of Roundup.

Church services in Roundup recommenced on May 9 at 2 p.m. We have decided Sabbath School will be postponed for the immediate future. Potluck meals are also postponed until further notice. While these changes will take some adjustments, we are blessed to know God is still in charge. He says He will guide us through these confusing times: “The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything …. And the peace of God will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:5–7, NIV).

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