Image Credit: Heidi Baumgartner

2020 Northwest Camp Meetings

Camp meeting is a time to connect deeper with Christ and reflect on the hope of His soon return and wholeness He brings to our lives. With COVID-19 disrupting our world, this connection with God and fellow believers is more important than ever. While camp meeting will look a little different this year, the blessing of gathering and worshiping as a body remains the same.

Alaska Conference

Alaska Virtual Camp Meeting is coming July 21–25, 2020, with the theme "Standing Before the Throne." More information at the Alaska Conference website.

Idaho Conference

Idaho Conference Camp Meeting is also moving to a digital/virtual format. Join Idaho's virtual camp meeting through Facebook or through a link on Idaho's website

Idaho English Virtual Camp Meeting, with Hyveth Williams

  • June 9–12, every evening at 7:14 p.m. (Mountain) / 6:14 p.m. (Pacific)
  • June 13, Sabbath morning at 10:50 (Mountain) / 9:50 (Pacific)

Idaho Spanish Virtual Camp Meeting

  • July 7–10, every evening at 7 p.m. (Mountain) / 6 p.m. (Pacific)
  • July 11, Sabbath morning at 11 a.m. (Mountain) / 10 a.m. (Pacific)

Montana Conference

Digital Camp Meeting will be aired through Montana's Facebook page each evening at 7 p.m. (Mountain Daylight Time) and 11 a.m. Sabbath morning, July 9–11. John Bradshaw, It Is Written director/speaker will be the keynote speaker. Young adult and children's programs will be aired at different times. Check for updates on Montana Conference's website.

For those who were not able to join us, we invite you to watch the adult general sessions on Montana's website. You may also watch them on Montana's Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter pages. You can also watch the Children Programs and the Young Adult Programs.

Oregon Conference

Gladstone Camp Meeting in the Oregon Conference will be held July 21–25 as a virtual event for all ages. We will also be streaming programming for children, earliteens, youth and young adults throughout the week. A range of seminar content will be shared throughout the week with opportunity to interact live with some seminar presenters. More information will be available online as details are finalized.


Central Oregon Camp Meeting, June 18–20. Look for updates on Facebook.

Campestre Hispano "Virtual," July 17–18, with Ricardo Norton.

Motorcycle Camp Meeting, Aug. 21–23, with Tim Journey.

Upper Columbia Conference

Join Upper Columbia Conference for an extended weekend of spiritual renewal June 17–20, 2020. Our virtual camp meeting this year offers online seminars, children's programming, great music and engaging sermons. Lee Venden is the main speaker with music by Buddy Houghtaling. Rich Aguilera will be hosting a show just for kids prior to each evening’s main presentation. Following the main presentation each evening, Minner Labrador, UCC president, will host an afterglow program. Seminars on Thursday and Friday afternoons will feature topics on health, finances, marriage and family, and growing your relationship with God. For more information, go to Upper Columbia Conference's website.


Northeast Washington Camp Meeting, July 21–25, Republic, Washington.

Washington Conference

Washington Conference would like to invite you to a digital well this June 14–20. In place of our traditional gathering for camp meeting that we sadly cannot host, we’re planning a virtual week of prayer. We need recharging and refreshing. We need a drink of the eternal living water.

Each evening at 7 p.m. between June 14–20, we'll have a 60-minute virtual family gathering time via Facebook Live and YouTube. You'll hear talented musicians, hear moving stories, listen to a short message and participate in a time of prayer. RSVP to receive a daily worship guide. More information online at the Washington Conference website.

Other Camp Meetings

Better Life Broadcasting Camp Meeting, schedule online, streaming live plus on-demand.

Light Bearers Convocation, Jasper, Oregon, July 7–11 (and streamed live online).

Beyond the Northwest

If you are looking to attend a meeting beyond of the Northwest, the North American Division has put together a listing of all the camp meetings this year.

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