Cheerful Givers of Potatoes

Due to stay-at-home orders throughout the nation, the food service demand is down significantly, leaving farmers across the U.S. burdened with an abundance of supplies that cannot be sold. The Bozeman Seventh-day Adventist Church took this opportunity to share the blessings with others in the form of a potato give away. The event was heavily advertised via the church Facebook page, individual Facebook shares, and by word of mouth.

On Sunday, April 26, 2020, eight children and six families woke up with an exciting mission. They would not only get to help in the event, but also see the faces of friends they hadn't seen in a while. Families shared their sign designs with each other via texts as they got ready to head over to the church. Besides the 5,200 pounds of potatoes that were brought to the church sidewalk, families also brought plastic bags, sturdy bags and cardboard boxes for those who would stop by without a container.

People would nod, honk their horn or give thumbs up and even stop to ask why potatoes were being given away for free. One gentleman on a bicycle wasn’t sure at first, but after plenty of smiles and encouragement to bring his basket to be filled, he gave in and happily rode away with a basket full of potatoes. A woman shared about her Irish heritage and her love for potatoes and kept thanking everyone as she left the parking lot. Some asked if they could bring extra to share with friends and neighbors and volunteers happily filled up their cars with bags of local potatoes.

2 Corinthians 9:7 says "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver," and everyone who volunteered that day could attest to that statement. Volunteers ended the day with cheerful smiles and a heart filled with contentment for having had the chance to bless others.

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