Mount Ellis Academy Holds Successful Work Bee

Volunteer efforts at a recent Mount Ellis Academy work bee produced significant results. Though the days were filled with cool weather and rain, Brent Tungesvik, MEA plant facilities director, kept the workers busy with several indoor projects on the Bozeman, Montana, campus.

One group taped and painted the ceilings of a faculty’s house while another group hauled loads to the dump from the science remodel project. Yet another group gave the front office in the administration building a face-lift with newly painted walls. Another office paint project joined the list partway through the week as well. Finally, near the end of the workb ee, the sun came out and a roof was able to be replaced on a faculty’s house.

Each morning prior to the start of the projects, the volunteers met together for worship, focusing on a relationship with Christ, praying for MEA staff and students and examining the topic of redemption.

Since the work bee lasted four days, not all projects were able to be completed, but volunteers returned the following week to take care of the last remaining details.

The MEA family is grateful to all who came and participated in lifting the school in prayer and in physical labor.

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Renae Young

Montana Conference education superintendent and youth ministries director