Image Credit: Photo by Glenn Perry

Valley View Members Find Safe Way to Worship Together

The new interim pastor preached his first sermon at the Valley View Adventist Church in East Wenatchee, Washington. Then everyone stopped coming to church. That’s how Tye Davis laughed about his experience just before Washington issued stay-at-home orders.

Davis is temporarily replacing Brandon Korter, a chaplain and lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, who has been deployed to serve those who protect our country in the Marines. Since the shutdown, Davis has done an outstanding job keeping the church active by organizing online Sabbath School, church, board meetings, nominating committee meetings and all the other required activities for a church to function smoothly.

Thirteen weeks later, on June 6, 2020, it was such a blessing to be able to meet for outdoor church. More than 75 members and guests sat on their own lawn chairs on the large front lawn at church. Simultaneously, online Sabbath School was taking place, after which a second service at 11 a.m., online church, took place while those outside on the lawn had their Sabbath School program.

The Valley View Church feels blessed to have a dedicated interim pastor. Members are also are proud of Korter's military service and are especially excited to be meeting again in person.

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Featured in: September/October 2020


Kathy Marson

Upper Columbia Conference communication administrative assistant

Glenn Perry

Valley View Church member in East Wenatchee, Washington