Recommitted Lives Result in Albany Baptisms

COVID-19 has put a damper on some traditional worship services. It also served to heighten joy as, on Aug. 22, 2020, Oregon's Albany Church welcomed a new family member, Sarah Lindsey, who was committing her life to Jesus Christ through baptism, and a returning family member, Adam Anderson, who was determined to recommit his life to Jesus through baptism again.

Barry Taylor, Albany Church pastor, welcomed church members, visitors and especially Lindsey’s visiting family members, including her two daughters. Her mother had studied the Bible with her, as had a couple of young women who were attending the Albany Church.

Anderson had returned to church fellowship just as COVID-19 impacted worship services. He continued to stay in touch through the shutdown period, meeting with Taylor to express his desire for rebaptism. Since the Albany Church opened its doors to public worship on June 13, with COVID-19 precautions in place, Anderson has been a faithful attendee.

Ken Settlemier, officiating on behalf of the church family, led the congregation in a round of applause in praise for the workings of the Holy Spirit in these two lives, followed by hearty “amens” that resounded through the sanctuary. Please join the Albany Church family in rejoicing in these committed lives, and pray for an outpouring of God’s sweet Spirit in the days ahead.

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Featured in: November/December 2020
