The Calm Between Storms

The inauguration of the 2021 ski season at Bear Canyon Ski Hill in Bozeman, Montana, operated by Mount Ellis Academy, started with ideal conditions for a night-skiing session. A Saturday night school activity was perfectly timed between two substantial snowstorms.

Students loaded their gear onto the bus and were shuttled to the ski hill. They arrived to find a smooth-running lift and lights illuminating perfectly groomed runs.

As skiers and boarders completed a few runs, comments about being out of shape surfaced from happy faces. The exercise and hot drinks in the lodge kept the students from freezing.

For those who didn't venture out, the lodge provided a warm space in which to play board games or simply enjoy conversation by the fireside.

While each Adventist academy develops their own niche, the ski hill certainly is a large part of the unique outdoor experience MEA boasts. Throughout the school year, MEA students are involved in outdoor sports to match whatever season they are in. With this year's heavy snowfall, students will be found involved in many winter sports.

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Renae Young

Montana Conference education superintendent and youth ministries director