Image Credit: Chewelah Adventist Church

Chewelah Takes Steps to Health

The health ministries team at Chewelah Adventist Church was faced with a dilemma. Knowing that the health message is the “right arm of the gospel,” what could be done to reach their community during a time of Covid restrictions? Likely, in-person presentations would be poorly attended — if people would even come at all. The solution was to partner with those who had audiovisual expertise in the church and to take their message virtual. That is how Steps to Health 2021 was born.

A series of four meetings covering the NEWSTART program, weight loss, heart health, and simple remedies — with healthy food demonstrations also included — was presented via Zoom (to allow for interaction) and YouTube.

God has blessed these videos and allowed them to reach people from all over the world (Australia, England, Japan, Peru) who would have never been able to attend in person. Even now these online videos are being used as an opportunity to witness to others, as it is easy to give interested parties the YouTube information, so they can watch them at a time that is convenient for them.

Interestingly, one member of the health team with relatives in Japan received a call from a cousin after she saw the NEWSTART presentation. The presenter had briefly mentioned that Adventists do not believe in an eternally burning hell, and this then generated a discussion about the state of the dead.

If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about these health topics, please visit the Chewelah Adventist YouTube website. All four presentations are available under the Steps to Health Playlist.

Or, you to can use the links below:


Practical Steps to Weight Management

How to Combat Heart Disease

Natural Remedies

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Featured in: May/June 2021
